Sunday, May 25, 2008

Travel - Stories and Photos

Sometimes I feel like I have traveled a lifetime, but outside of a few business trips (Greek islands and Australia) and North America (Canada, Mexico, Alaska) much of it has actually only been in the last 6 years or so. When you live in China for 2 years (manufacturing magnets) there is a tendency to see the rest of that end of the other side of the globe while you are there - if only because you are constantly making visa runs to surrounding countries. So its almost natural to accumulate them... Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and so on over those years (plus another year staggering from Bali to Kathmandu, the slow way). Since the digital camera and crude methods for distributing digital photos had just become available I got in the habit of spending the evenings weaving mine into travelogues - to tell distant friends what I was up to, and create a bit of a record (and it was a break from writing technical reports on the wonders of molten metal processing).

Many travelogues are in Word format only, since crude internet cafes were not appropriate for real time reports, but things that have made it to the web so far are here:
The one listed first is the original one, explaining travelogues and such, and the one listed second continues once blogger seemed to restrict my total length. Posts in these start at the bottom so that the most recent ones are shown first. I highly recommend the ones on trekking in Nepal!

Just photos (only the best ones!) have migrated to flickr and tend to be organized by trips/countries:

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